Soul Level Energy Healing Sessions


Experience Soul Level Energy Healing guided by the wisdom of the Akashic Records. The Divine Soul Blueprint Reading and Karma Clearing Sessions utilize the Akashic Records to help clients unlock their soul level potential and clear karmic patterns. As a Certified Advanced Level II Soul Realignment® Practitioner my passion is to guide you in reconnecting with your soul level gifts and talents helping clear the way for you to reach your full potential and enjoy a significantly more fulfilling life.

What are the Akashic Records? 

The Akashic Records are a holographic memory library that exists within the etheric field of energy.  It is all pervading and exists within and around everything. It is like an energetic database that is similar to our world wide web. Everything that exists is fundamentally energy, vibration, and frequency.  Simply put, it is a collection of imprints and energy vibrations that holds a record of every event, person, deed, word, thought and emotion that has ever existed. The records are ever evolving and in a constant state of interaction with us.  This holographic field holds the ability to shape our thoughts, emotions, belief systems, relationships and the potential realities we attract.

On a personal level, you have your very own record that holds the memory of your soul’s journey through this life and lives past. It also holds the key to your Divine Soul Blueprint.  This divine soul blueprint is the framework for how you were designed to receive and run vital force energy, chi, or prana by divine source. You are a unique expression like no other!  Gaining consciousness of your blueprint and how you were essentially “coded” is the first step to transformation. You will discover your energetic gifts, starseed origins, talents and the themes you have chosen for this life. 

The second step is the intentional alignment to your blueprint through healing unresolved karmic patterns (blocks in your blueprint) and taking action that expresses who you are at soul level. The Karma Clearing Session will uncover blocks in your energetic blueprint that are affecting your ability to fully access who you are and your divine gifts.  The blocks I will uncover for you will help explain situations and events that you have created and attracted into your life.  Discovering the root causes for why you have attracted specific events, relationships, recurring emotional or mental programs can initiate healing and transform your life.  Clearing and healing your record allows for optimal flow of vital force energy resulting in an abundance of all things including an awakening to your divine nature and purpose.




Energy Healing Treatment


Everything is energy.  The physical body arises out of the human energy field.  You have 7 major personal chakras and many minor chakras.  You are multidimensional and have multiple layers of energy bodies.  An imbalance or distortion in the human bio-field will eventually cause dis-ease in the physical body.  Therefore, healing blocks, imbalances and stagnation in the human energy field will bring about healing in the body.  This is a non-invasive natural way to heal your mind, body and spirit.  A treatment is a co-creative process between myself and the client.  I recognize the power you have within to heal yourself and I hold a sacred loving space to allow that process to unfold.  Energy healing is a personal and unique journey.

Benefits of energy healing are:

  •  Relieve pain and discomfort        

  • Release stress, fear, anxiety and trapped emotions

  • Chakra and organ repair

  • Enhance your spiritual connection

  • Adrenal stress web removal, brain balancing, liver and spleen flushes

  • Immune system boosts

90 minute session that can be performed in person or through distance healing — 100 CAD


Divine Soul Blueprint Reading


This session helps you discover your:

  • Energetic gifts (creative and destructive tendencies)

  • Soul group characteristics (stars-seed origins)

  • Soul talents

  • Primary life theme and subthemes 

  • Energetic assistance

This session looks at your gifts, talents, and soul group characteristics so you have access to that which will assist you in your most soul aligned life.

60-90 minute session that can be done over zoom, phone, or in person — 150 CAD


Karma Clearing Session


This is a transformational session that can be done after the Divine Soul Blueprint Reading Session.  You will discover your past lives and present life blocks that you have created and may have perpetuated for lifetimes. 

These blocks have become a part of your blueprint and have kept you stuck, stagnant, and misaligned to your true divine self.  Combined with your knowledge from the Soul Profile session and the clearing work we do in your Akashic Record there is significant potential for life enhancing transformation. Potential clearing work we will do together can include:

  • Releasing and clearing soul level bargains, constraints, contracts, negative intentions, soul memory issues, vows, negative unjustified karma as well as physical and etheric implants

  • Disconnect you from earthbound souls, compassionate connections, negative thought forms, anger spears and portal-ways that are causing a distraction and draining your energy.

  • Recover and restore soul blueprint damage due to trauma. Heal negative astral travel that may be affecting your sleep patterns. 

  • Restore and heal chakra tears and scars.

This session includes a 21 day personalized clearing statement and a written summary of our session.

Realign to your blueprint by clearing past and present life blocks.

This sessions can be done over zoom, phone, or in person. — 300 CAD


Property Clearing through the Akashic Records


Your home and the land you live on has its very own file in the Akashic Records.  The land and possibly your home has a long history.  Many things may have occurred on the land before a home was built that may still be affecting the property.  We are attracted to properties that are vibrationally aligned to us.  Clearing and realigning your property to match your current and transforming vibrational shift can help support your healing and growth.

Clearing and removing work may include:

  • Closing gateways and portal-ways that may exist.

  • Clearing earthbound souls, negative thought forms, anger spears
    that may be attached to or directed at the property.

  • Reassigning land to neutrality that may have experienced battles,
    burials or sacred ceremonies.

This session will be presented to you through a written summary of what was found after the clearing work is done. 100 CAD


Child Divine Soul Blueprint Reading Summary


This work can be done for your child from 3 months on.  This includes all services listed above in the Divine Soul Blueprint.

You will gain:

  • Knowledge of who your child is at soul level. Being equipped with this knowledge you will be able to nurture their divine essence.

This offering includes a written summary. 100 CAD

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More Offerings:


Follow-up Karma Clearing Session


We have had many lifetimes and we have many layers to our healing and awakening.  This session includes a check in with your soul blueprint and clearing of the next layer of blocks.  This session can be done every 6-12 months after your initial Karma Clearing Session.

60-90 minute session done in person, over zoom or phone. 300 CAD





“The information you have provided in the first session was simply transformative,  It gave me great clarity on who I am, and it was really reassuring to know my choice of profession change and my approach to achieving my goals are aligned with my divine blueprint.”

— Patrick, Vancouver, BC.

“Her ability to connect to spirit and access the Akashic records is unmatched. Dana guides her clients to be able to reach a multi- dimensional level of healing by taking responsibility for their own karmic destiny. I have recommended Dana to everyone that I care about.”

— Kendall, Vancouver, BC

“Dana is incredibly sensitive and intuitive, she radiates warmth and creates a gentle space to learn about yourself and aspects which would otherwise feel ‘out there’. She made me feel understood and seen, speaking about parts of myself that would be hard to discover. I highly recommend all of her services!

— Bonny, Salt Spring Island, BC