Soul-Centred Energy Healing for Mind, Body + Spirit

Experience Soul Level Energy Healing.

Hello beautiful soul — first, a little reminder about the truth of who you are.  You are cosmic, you are divine, you are infinite, and you are multidimensional.  At the very core of who you are is unending unconditional love.  We are all connected to a universal consciousness but are also completely unique and one of a kind.  There is no one else like you.  You have gifts, talents and experiences that you bring to this world that no one else can offer. 

Mother Earth is in a very exciting and challenging time of transition as are the beings that inhabit her.   You specifically incarnated here for this time of transition. We are being prompted to look within and heal.  Do you feel yourself changing and awakening?  Do you want to embrace this change we are all going through, as opposed to resisting it?   Is your soul yearning for more self-expression, to create a life that feels fulfilling and purposeful?

Through a Divine Soul Blueprint Reading and Karma Clearing Session, I will help you clear the path to a life more in tune with your soul’s gifts. With an Energy Healing Treatment, I will hold a loving and healing space, helping to balance your chakra system and bio-field leaving you feeling grounded and calm.  I look forward to connecting with you. 


Energy Healing Treatment


This hour long healing treatment uses subtle yet powerful techniques to clear, balance, and upgrade your bio-field and chakra system.  You may experience sensations such as heat, cold, vibration, tingling, energy movement and releases. A treatment will stimulate your natural healing resources and leave you feeling centered and grounded.  This work can be used for personal healing, emotional/mental balancing, releasing trapped emotions, relieving chronic pain and spiritual growth.

Divine Soul Blueprint Reading


Using your Akashic Record and Energetic Blueprint discover your gifts, talents, soul group characteristics, star-seed origins, primary life theme and more…

Karma Clearing Session


Clear Past Life Karma that is affecting your present life. End contracts, clear vows of poverty, repair blueprint damage due to soul loss, repair chakra tears, remove etheric implants and much more.  Heal and clear past and present life blocks so you can embody who you are at soul level. 

Property Clearing through the Akashic Record


Realign and clear your home and property. Clearing and aligning your property to match your current and transforming vibrational shift can help support your healing, growth, and well-being.

What People Are Saying


“ I worked with Dana while I was making big changes in my life.  The Soul Realignment reading helped to validate me where I felt unsure and shift things where I felt stuck. I was grateful to have Dana’s guidance during a time of deep transformation..”

— Ivana, Tofino, British Columbia.

“It was very specific to me and not just generalizations. More than once I had goosebumps and was brought to tears, because some of the unexplained stuff that has happened in my life, felt like I finally had answers. After doing the clearing work, I feel like I am not weighed down by my past and actually feel energized by my gifts.”

— Amy, Victoria, British Columbia

“ We both learned so much about ourselves in our present life, and were amazed at what we learnt about our past lives. Dana is thorough throughout her sessions and takes her time with you, and allows time for questions and will elaborate, if needed..”

— Derek & Allison, Fort McMurray, Alberta

Get in Touch

Curious about Dana’s services and how they could be beneficial to your healing or self awareness? Feel free to reach out to find out more here.